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Social Media

Manage all your social media channels and profiles from one place

Manage all your social media in one place

With CONVERO, you can easily control all your social media channels from one place without the need to manage them separately. You can also organize your social media profiles into groups to easily handle multiple brands or assign them to different team members.

Save time with social media posting

Easily manage your social media posts using CONVERO’s drag & drop calendar. You can compose, schedule or publish posts across different social media channels, upload them in bulk or set recurring posts to show at different dates or times.

Keep your audience engaged

Monitor all your social media pages and engage with your followers across all your profiles from a single platform. Always be ready to interact with your audience by checking your likes, comments, shares and direct messages.

Stay on top of your game

Get in depth insights and thorough analytics to check how well you are doing on your social media channels. Monitor your performance across all your metrics and KPIs, check latest conversations and discover mentions through hashtag and keyword geo-search.

Social media features

Connect multiple social media networks and pages and manage them all on CONVERO. Supported networks: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and Pinterest.

Organize your social media profiles into groups.

Add all your social media networks and pages to visualize all your posts on a single calendar. Use the drag & drop functionality or display your posts in a weekly, monthly or list view to easily manage your social media content.

Compose posts across your different social media profiles from one place without having to sign in to each account separately.

Schedule your posts ahead of time and across your different social media profiles by specifying the date and time you want them to be published in the future.

Publish or schedule social media posts directly to your Instagram page using CONVERO’s social media suite. You can also set up email notifications to team members with the date and time of the post.

Upload a large number of posts using an Excel file (.csv) and schedule them all at once.

Set custom schedules to publish your post recurrently or at different days and times.

Attach different media to your posts such as images, animated GIFs and videos.

Upload multiple images to your Facebook or Twitter posts.

Load your own curated and pre-approved social media content for your team members or sub-accounts to pick from, directly from their account. These templates will then be pre-populated upon selection.

Use the Canva’s editor within CONVERO to build beautiful banners and graphics in minutes.

Monitor all your social media pages and engage with your followers across all your profiles from a central feed. Interact with all your likes, comments, direct messages, shares, and mentions across all your social media channels and profiles.

Get all your social media updates and notifications from different channels and profiles in one place.

Geosearch and track hashtags and keywords to monitor your brand mentions on Twitter. You can also search for accounts and follow them from the platform.

Search Instagram hashtags directly from your CONVERO account to track the mentions of your brand and find posts relevant to your industry.

Tag companies when composing social media posts across Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. This applies for Facebook pages, Twitter and LinkedIn businesses.

Use your own domain to track link clicks instead of the built-in CONVERO link tracker.

Track social media URL clicks to check your posts engagement and conversions per channel.

Shorten your URL links to easily track engagement with your posts.

Insights and metrics to help you monitor your social media profiles performance in depth. Check your followers geographic and demographic data and track their engagement with your posts by looking at the number of likes, links clicked, visits, mentions, impressions, shares, comments and much more.

Frequently asked questions

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